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What is Vorp?

Vorp is a team based multiplayer game inspired by classic DotA games such as League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, and of course the original DotA. Vorp is unique in that it takes place in a space combat setting, focuses more on quicker matches with an arcadey feel, and is hosted as a free game you can play from your web browser on Compete with your Kongregate friends to be the top Vorp ace with the most ATOMs and kills!
It's way in the future...
"Everyone in the universe wants B! because it does ridiculously awesome things so beyond our primitive minds, that there's no point in trying to describe them."
A very advanced superheavy, radioactive, superconducting element has been discovered. It's called "Clichebangium", or commonly referred to as "Bang!" with a chemical symbol of B!
We thought the periodic table only went to 100 something... B! is more in the lower 1000's range. It's theoretically similar to the substance the universe sprang from during the Big Bang, thus the name.
It's only found in deep outer space, amongst the artifacts of a ancient mysterious alien civilizations, near supernova remnants, black holes, violent nebulae, or other places that look totally freaking cool.
Everyone in the universe wants B!

B! does ridiculously awesome things so beyond our primitive minds, that there's no point in trying to describe them. Rest assured, this is some valuable stuff. No wonder then, that entire deep space armadas are being mobilized to acquire it.
B! is refined in tiny amounts from Asymptotic Transitional Omni-Molecules (ATOMs). ATOMs are harvested in purple crystal form out of asteroids, space junk, and the wreckage of advanced space ships. ATOMs are also useful for rapid manufacture of ship upgrades and technology.
Your ship and all of its abilities are powered by Volatile Output Radiation Particles (VORP). VORP is the fuel of the far future. It is extremely energy dense but extremely unstable. Your ship will explode if its Energy Core (powered by VORP) reaches empty, one of a few reasons why it's only safe as a deep space fuel.
You are a Commander
"The more B! you collect, the more pilots you can have on your roster, and the more wicked technology you can provision."
You are a Commander responsible for the defense of an armada of deep space capital ships battling for B!. Choose a pilot and fighter ship to direct in combat alongside your teammates, providing Operations(Ops) and Technology(Tech) advantages based on your Experience(XP) level. As you increase in rank, earn B! during every battle to unlock deadly new Pilots and refined new Tech for use in future battles.
You can usually find a few pilots who will work for free, although which ones are willing to fly for free often changes week to week. The more B! you collect, the more pilots you can have on your roster, and the more wicked technology you can provision.
Your goal is to defeat the enemy capital ship by destroying their Core Generator. Unfortunately it is protected by shields and towers, so you'll need to battle your way through those first. Oh, and of course, the enemy team is trying to do the same thing to your capital ship, so don't forget to defend!
Who created Vorp!?
Vorp was originally released as an Alpha version in March 2011 on Facebook by END Games Entertainment. END Games moved Vorp to a exclusive, launching the Beta version in Summer 2012. This is only the beginning of extensive plans to develop the game further.
END Games uses a new and unique approach to making games, releasing early versions for free so you can be involved as early as possible. We continue to add features and content as we learn from our player community what is most important to them. This means every game we create continues to grow and evolve on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
Every game from END is just another beginning.