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Countess Cindria flying Angel Fire

- Race: Supermodel
- Favorite Food: Spicy Thai
- Profile: Cindria finds no greater pleasure than burning things, whether that be a lover's heart or an unfortunate B! hunter intruding in her territory. Her pyromania is probably just a cry for help, as she seems to have quite a self-destructive streak due to the pressures of also being a supermodel.
- Quote: "Mind if I light one up?"
- Role: A close quarters pyro ship with lots of DoT capability.
Vorpal Burners
Launches a cone of VORP-fueled flames that burns hottest near the ship.
Releases a wave of heat that disrupts enemy thrusters and applies a stacking damage over time effect.
Trail Blazers
Your afterburners leave a scorching trail of fire.
Firey Death
Explosion on death sprays burning fuel everywhere.